Here is the latest progression on the screwdriver set. Now that i had made one functional prototype of the drawer, the time had come to produce five of the new improved versions.
After generating toolpaths, the parts where milled from plywood and aluminium. The plywood parts where to be milled from both sides, so three wooden dowels where used to ensure that the material lined up from both sides.
Then, once i had five aluminium frames, and five wooden trays, i had to begin drilling the holes for the small brass screws that hold the frame in place. As much as i enjoy operating the CNC machines, there are something special about forming material by hand. Therefore, grabbed my toolbox, and began the process of marking, drilling and countersinking the holes.
After ensuring that the screws did infact fit in the aluminium frames, i mounted the frames to the wood. Using one of my favourite tools, a brass hammer i made my self some time ago, i hammered the frames onto the wooden trays.
Then using another of my selfmade tools, the small parallel clamp, i secured the two pieces together while i predrilled the hole for the screws. Then, i mounted the piece on a small board with a welding clamp, and inserted the threee screws.
As i had not used Bitrafs lasercutter for quite a while, i decided to produce a temporary rack to store the drawers in when i am not working on them. After some thinking, i came up with a quick design in Fusion 360. I took roughly half an hour to cut.